I began by sculpting her legs, modelling the legs was pretty straight forward, I took the existing proxy mesh and modelled around that, adding edges where appropriate to sculpt a more curvy leg for the beast (aka Cho). I roughly modelled her waist which we don’t see, but it is there so the jacket has something to rest on when the Ncloth is applied later.

I modelled the jacket by extracting the geometry I created as a basic body shape for Cho, I then extruded the edges to develop the shape of the Jacket. To form the pockets I extruded a selection of faces and shaped them appropriately. I wanted them to look as though they had stuff in them like sweets or something because Cho's a heffer. I sliced in more edges around the bottom half of her jacket so I could create a more crumpled look of the geometry, as though she had been sitting on it or something, rather than it look smooth and unworn. The upper half took a while to shape, like the collar around her neck because I wanted to get it looking soft and not so rigid. The zip part of her jacket took a while also where I had to shape the geometry as though the material was resting on top of the other. I did experiment with buttons, such as toggles, but I went for a more basic shape in the end as the characters needed to be done ASAP for Dan and to keep on track with the time schedule, and the toggles would require further sculpting in the jacket.

I took the geometry I left baring in mind the belt when shaping the jacket, and extracted it from the mesh. I again extruded the edges to form its shape. However. Once I did that the edges had been double extruded, I checked the extrusion settings and it was set to single division as I thought, so I’m not entirely sure what happened there. To fix the problem I selected a face and used the grow selection tool 'shift + >' until the doubled layer was fully selected and then deleted it leaving the single layer of faces.

To create the top I approached it the same as I did with the rest of her, by extracting the appropriate faces and sculpting the geometry by cutting in and extruding edges.

So, below is Cho with everything modelled but her hair, which is still prooving to be a problem at the moment for all the characters in the group. Looking at this image I think I will re skale her ears down a bit :) (Occlusion passes have been added at a later date, where she had since had hair and ears have been re sized.)

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