I UV mapped Cho's head using a spherical map, then I tweaked the verts around her eyes, nostrils and mouth so there was no stretch when painting finer details on her skin, such as freckles. Having finalised the UVs I exported Cho's head as on obj into mud box and pained the Diffuse layer with relative ease as there was no problem with stretching textures. yay.
When texturing the hands I did a previous test to see how well mud box would map a texture on the geometry when an automatic map was applied, given the random separation of the mesh it created a lot of seams. Mud box freaked out when I painted on the hand, showing lots of the fine transparent seams, particularly around the fingers. So, I planar mapped the palm, back hand, and cylindrical mapped the fingers. This worked out well when I painted the blemishes and freckles on because the texture had no noticeable seams this time round. When it came to painting the nail varnish on I initially attempted to paint the nails in mud box, but the colour kept bleeding over the edge of the nail as the fingers were not mapped for such close attention to detail. I had to planar map the nails individually and then painted the nails directly in Photoshop on the UV map, which worked out well. The texture around the wrist of her top, where you can see some white geomitry has been fixed. there have been a few instances like that occur throughout modeling Cho. To fix it i had to tweak the UVs in maya to make shure that the texture I painted was fully covering the UVs, this is where mudbox tends to not map everything 100% to the very edge of an objects geomitry.
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